2024-06-26 | Black Architects, Designers, and Artists

Start: The President’s House (6th & Market)
Time: Meet at 7pm, roll at 7:10pm
End: Two Locals, 37th and Market. Outdoor seating available.
Length: 9.1 miles, mostly flat with two slight but long uphills (+299 ft / -249 ft)
Level of difficulty: Standard
Route: Ride with GPS | Komoot | .GPX download

Sophia leads us on a tour past 5 different spaces celebrating the work of Black Architects, Designers, and Artists. We’ll ring our bells as we pass each spot (though we won’t stop), and you can learn more about each site below.

Given the heat in the forecast, PLEASE stay home if that’s right call for you, or just meet us at Two Locals after! If you are planning to ride, bring extra water so you can stay hydrated during the ride. We’ll have two rest breaks (along Kelly Drive, at the Art Museum) and each red light = great chance to hydrate.

Our rides can get really big in the summer, with lots of first-time riders. Even if you’ve been on a ride before, please take the time to read our How We Ride guide. Please follow these ride norms so everyone’s on the same page, and we keep the ride safe and fun. We’d like to highlight:

Stop at lights. Please, please DO NOT block intersections contrary to the traffic light. Our group can be very large and extended, and holding traffic risks serious conflict. If the light turns red, please stop.

Roll past conflict. Whether it’s angry motorists or unruly pedestrians, please do not engage with conflict and move on in a way that de-escalates the situation.

Finally, a reminder of risks and responsibilities. You don’t need to sign a waiver to join a Wednesday Night Ride, because it’s an entirely voluntary & free group activity. But please keep in mind:

  • Everyone rides at their own risk.
  • Every rider is responsible for themselves, their behavior, and their bike.
  • Keep your bike properly maintained. Here’s a link to a basic bike check.
  • Cycling has inherent risks–you could crash, fall down, or get hit by a car, and get hurt or even killed–though we try to minimize these risks.
  • If you have a health condition that could affect your ride or put you at additional risk, consider a) checking in with a doctor, b) letting us or a friend know, c) having a backup plan to get home if riding doesn’t work out.
  • We always plan to have a sweeper, but can’t rule out that you could get lost, or that your bike could break down and you’ll need to find another way home.

Thanks for riding! See you Wednesday.

Sites Visited

The President’s House (6th & Market) In the house that presidents George Washington and John Adams lived during their terms as president, nine enslaved people lived and served them. The building design was chosen from a national competition. The chosen design is by Philadelphia architectural firm Kelly-Maello, a Black Architect-led firm.

African American Museum of Art in Philadelphia (701 Arch St) From Wikipedia: “The African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP) is notable as the first museum funded and built by a municipality to help preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Opened during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, the AAMP is located in historic Philadelphia on Arch Street, a few blocks away from the Liberty Bell”

“Untitled” by Amy Sherald (1108 Sansom St) From Muralarts.Org “Artist Amy Sherald made headlines around the world with her stunning official portrait of Michelle Obama, portraying not only the beauty and intelligence of the woman herself but the depth and breadth of all that she represents as our first African-American First Lady. … Now Sherald brings her work to a new scale: working with Mural Arts Philadelphia on a massive mural portrait in Center City. The portrait is of Najee S., a young Philadelphian and participant in our art education program. Like the First Lady’s portrait, Sherald’s mural challenges ideas about identity and the public gaze, asking the questions: “Who is allowed to be comfortable in public spaces? Who is represented in art? How can one woman’s portrait begin to shift that experience for others?”

John Coltrane House (1511 N. 33rd St) From Wikipedia: “The John Coltrane House is a historic house at 1511 North 33rd Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. A National Historic Landmark, it was the home of American saxophonist and jazz pioneer John Coltrane from 1952 until 1958. On his death in 1967 the house passed to his cousin, who sold it in 2004. Efforts for restoration and reuse as a jazz venue are struggling.”

Philadelphia Art Museum (2600 Ben Franklin Parkway) From philamuseum.org : “Julian Abele was one of the first Black architects to achieve prominence in the field. As senior designer for the office of Horace Trumbauer, Abele performed a pivotal role in the design and construction of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.” He created the renderings for PMA.