2024-08-07 | Kids ride to Summerfest

Start: Liberty Lands park in Northern Liberties
Time: Meet at 7pm, roll at 7:10pm
End: Cherry Street Pier. Outdoor seating available.
Length: 4.5 miles, flat - a mix of quiet streets, bike lanes, and the Delaware River Trail
Level of difficulty: Easier
Route: Ride with GPS | Komoot | .GPX download

Note: This is the rescheduled ride from July 10.

This week, we’re taking a kid- and family-friendly spin through Northern Liberties, South Kensington and Fishtown before ending at Summerfest on the Delaware Waterfront. This route was created by 11-year-old regular rider Tomas, and showcases a kids’ view of these neighborhoods - passing his school (Moffet Elementary) and a few Rec centers (Towey, Hancock, and Hetzell) along with Liberty Lands and Penn Treaty Park.

All kids riding must be comfortable on a bike. No training wheels, balance bikes, or scooters - we will be moving slowly, but faster than those vehicles. All kids must be accompanied by an adult. It’s also totally fine to carry your kids in a cargo bike or bike seat, of course. All riders are welcome, you don’t need to come with a kid to join.

We’ll have a rest stop and regather at Penn Treaty Park. We’ll keep an eye on the forecast for heat and thunderstorms and, if necessary, cancel by 3P on Wednesday. If not announced otherwise, the ride is on.

There are three major crossings, Girard Ave (twice) and Delaware Ave. We will honor and stop at the lights at these crossings. For the many stop-sign intersections we’ll be passing through, adult riders comfortable doing so are encouraged to block stop-sign intersections to help ensure the safety of the kids.

As usual, we’ll ride according to our How We Ride guide. Please follow these ride norms so everyone’s on the same page, and we keep the ride safe and fun. We’d like to highlight:

Stop at lights. Please, please DO NOT block intersections contrary to the traffic light. Our group can be very large and extended, and holding traffic risks serious conflict. If the light turns red, please stop.

Roll past conflict. Whether it’s angry motorists or unruly pedestrians, please do not engage with conflict and move on in a way that de-escalates the situation.

Finally, a reminder of risks and responsibilities. You don’t need to sign a waiver to join a Wednesday Night Ride, because it’s an entirely voluntary & free group activity. But please keep in mind:

  • Everyone rides at their own risk.
  • Every rider is responsible for themselves, their behavior, and their bike.
  • Keep your bike properly maintained. Here’s a link to a basic bike check.
  • Cycling has inherent risks–you could crash, fall down, or get hit by a car, and get hurt or even killed–though we try to minimize these risks.
  • If you have a health condition that could affect your ride or put you at additional risk, consider a) checking in with a doctor, b) letting us or a friend know, c) having a backup plan to get home if riding doesn’t work out.
  • We always plan to have a sweeper, but can’t rule out that you could get lost, or that your bike could break down and you’ll need to find another way home.

Thanks for riding! See you Wednesday.