2024-10-16 | West Philly -- Cobbs Creek, Cookies, and Ice Cream

Start: Clark Park (corner of Kingsessing and S 45th St)
Time: Meet at 7pm, roll at 7:10pm
End: Coco’s Cookies and Creamery, Powelton Ave and N 37th St. Outdoor seating available.
Length: 9.1 miles, mostly flat (+306 ft / -263 ft)
Level of difficulty: Standard, with some minor hills
Route: Ride with GPS | Komoot | .GPX download

This week, we’re excited to have Iresha Picot leading us on a ride through the heart of West Philly. Here are some words from Iresha:

I am a Black Woman who works to change the perception of who is a cyclist, as representation is important in any cycling community.  I am also the founder and ride leader for Black Girl Joy Bike Ride, a bicycle accessibility group for Black Women in Philadelphia. Black Girl Joy Bike Ride seeks to create an intentional space that listens and amplifies Black Women voices and visibility around cycling. Black Girl Joy Bike ride aims to promote joy, self-care, and a sense of community, which is the practice of caring for ourselves and for each other within the community, as we focus on collective accountability for health goals, and encouragement to reclaim care and movement, not as an individual act, but as a collective act of community care.

For more updates on Black Girl Joy Bike Ride: Follow my IG @ireshadahoodtherapist.

Special ride notes:

  • Please bring lights! Parts of Cobbs Creek Trail are quite dark at night.
  • Bring an extra layer. Temperatures are forecasted to go into the 40s Wednesday night.
  • Watch out for trolley tracks! For a few blocks on Kingsessing Ave (60th St to Cemetary Ave) and Chester/65th St, please pay attention to the trolley tracks and give your fellow riders a heads up.

As usual, we’ll ride according to our How We Ride guide. Please follow these ride norms so everyone’s on the same page, and we keep the ride safe and fun. We’d like to highlight:

Stop at lights. Please, please DO NOT block intersections contrary to the traffic light. Our group can be very large and extended, and holding traffic risks serious conflict. If the light turns red, please stop.

Roll past conflict. Whether it’s angry motorists or unruly pedestrians, please do not engage with conflict and move on in a way that de-escalates the situation.

Finally, a reminder of risks and responsibilities. You don’t need to sign a waiver to join a Wednesday Night Ride, because it’s an entirely voluntary & free group activity. But please keep in mind:

  • Everyone rides at their own risk.
  • Every rider is responsible for themselves, their behavior, and their bike.
  • Keep your bike properly maintained. Here’s a link to a basic bike check.
  • Cycling has inherent risks–you could crash, fall down, or get hit by a car, and get hurt or even killed–though we try to minimize these risks.
  • If you have a health condition that could affect your ride or put you at additional risk, consider a) checking in with a doctor, b) letting us or a friend know, c) having a backup plan to get home if riding doesn’t work out.
  • We always plan to have a sweeper, but can’t rule out that you could get lost, or that your bike could break down and you’ll need to find another way home.

We’re always looking for new ride leaders, volunteers, and organizers. If you’d like to get more involved, drop us a DM!

Thanks for riding! See you Wednesday.